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Retailers OCS obscure entity logistics bottlenecks and patterns of confusion
Release date:2014-05-23 15:51

Carrefour, Wal-Mart, farming, Brilliance has started trial hydropower and other providers, but some features retail market so that they tangle. The key point is that online shopping logistics, physical retailers are also scratching their heads.


AIB Group is one of the research staff of the first batch of hot shopping platform, as a veteran retailer, NGS pioneering Internet sales is very positive, but also a series of questions to let him by surprise.


"Maybe people do not have a physical shop experience better." He said.


Carrefour, Wal-Mart, farming, Brilliance has started trial hydropower and other providers, but some features retail market so that they tangle.


What to sell and how to sell


What shop in the end sell? This is the first issue after the takeover NGS Wang Weiping electricity providers face.


"Supermarket stores with fresh, necessities, clothing, home appliances to complement, but online shopping is very different product mix." He said, the research found that net purchases of goods mainly in apparel, electronic goods as the core, plus food, daily necessities, which need to store a lot of adjustments to be.


This can obviously aware of the other entities retailers online shopping platform. Reporter access Lianhua Tesco, NGS convenience through shopping online shopping platform found more products with similar physical supermarkets, far less than Taobao, Jingdong more diverse.


Wang Weiping said that, there are other details. For consumers, online shopping can not see the kind, photo is very important, some details need to enlarge, but entities DM advertising industry only a single supermarket directly uploaded to the Internet, without any details of the deal, this approach reduces the extensive online shopping wishes.


Household chores director McCaw 丁毅娜 "First Financial Daily" said, subordinates browse various websites every day, field trips to study consumer goods on which networks are interested in what the entity can not meet the needs of the store, do differentiated development.


Logistics bottlenecks


The key point is that online shopping logistics, physical retailers are also scratching their heads.


Wang Weiping said that the 1st shop owned by 70% of logistics, Taobao is the extensive use of third-party logistics. However, due to the general entity provider has its own rationing system, a lot of time picking through their own transportation warehousing center, this contradiction has emerged.


First, the cost. Traditional retailers focused sales of daily necessities, such lower commodity prices as a whole, and sometimes transportation price far higher than commodity prices, cost pressures heavy. Thus, farming is not currently online shopping service delivery to the door.


Auchan has trapped here. Years ago, it had to test the waters of online shopping, but then suspended the online shopping and therefore business. The short board will not lead to a physical store fresh produce in the core of the online sales.


"We are now only Sam's Club stores to test the waters of online shopping, and do not involve fresh produce, groceries and other daily necessities only involves." Wal-Mart China market public relations person in charge of Miss Jiang revealed.


Reporters found that Carrefour, Lianhua, basic farming industry does not equate online sales of fresh products.


Wang Weiping said, with warehousing and distribution centers, net purchases of goods store delivery truck to go along with one or two a day to send to send some regions even send a week, but fresh products quickly degenerate.


Public facilities and more sophisticated overseas than many regions in China is difficult to achieve delivery to the door. NGS take delivery way to the store. But reporters after visiting several stores NGS see this mode, few customers are willing to online shopping, because they have to shop, online shopping is not necessary. 


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