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Application on the hot spots: reduce logistics costs
Release date:2014-05-23 15:47

First, current affairs background

By the national "five " to develop the logistics industry , focusing on key areas of services, weaknesses and policy implications of emerging industries , China's logistics industry entered a rapid growth period. According to the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing , the latest statistics from the China Logistics Information Center on April 22 released data show that a quarter of the total social logistics 33.6 trillion yuan , an increase of 14.2% , social and economic development needs of the modern logistics industry continues increases. However, with the rapid development of the logistics industry , but conceals many practical problems , in which one of the more prominent problem is the logistics cost is too high. According to data CCTV " economic half -hour " disclosure, China's logistics costs twice than in developed countries , the proportion of GDP accounted for approximately 18%.

June 8, 2011 , Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting , study and plan to further promote the healthy development of the logistics industry . The meeting noted that in March 2009 the State Council issued the "logistics industry restructuring and revitalization plan ," since the rapid development of the logistics industry , the level of industrial development has been increasing. But with the "planning" in-depth implementation of some of the policy issues not suited to the development of the logistics industry further show , restricted the industry. Supporting policies and measures must be developed to improve and promote the healthy development of the logistics industry. Meeting from tax incentives , land policy support , improving the business environment and encourage the integration of resources , promote technological innovation and application , and increase government investment and bank credit support and promote the proposed requirements of agricultural policy measures and the development of the logistics industry in eight areas .

Second, the current problems exist in the logistics industry

1 dispersed logistics management , poor overall efficiency. For a long time , China's logistics industry management has followed the planned economy model, so that the original system resources of a management authority of the logistics industry is separately classified a number of sectors. Such as railways, highways, waterways , aviation and other transportation resources were directly under the Ministry of Railways , Ministry of Transportation , Aviation Administration and other management . Logistics management and decentralization of resources , inefficient operation of logistics enterprises , so that the overall function of logistics should have been greatly weakened , hinder the development of the logistics industry , logistics and distribution system is difficult to form social. Such compartmentalization management system , the formation of a top-down vertical membership and management structure, seriously restricting the overall co-ordination and planning of logistics, logistics hinder the socialization process , hindering the further application of e-commerce , logistics can not play overall efficiency.

2 . Logistics enterprise infrastructure is not complete, low degree of automation network. China's traditional logistics enterprises investment in infrastructure deficiencies , low degree of automation of information , in warehousing, transportation and distribution of all aspects of the job is still mainly by hand , no automated information network , the lack of optimal scheduling, efficient allocation , the customer can not provide query tracking and other services. In the logistics process , the majority of enterprises is difficult to achieve at the scheduled time delivery , and often out of stock , not timely respond to customer issues . Resulting in inefficient logistics organization , low management level , high distribution costs, poor customer satisfaction , low profitability, severely affecting the overall development of the logistics industry.

3 logistics enterprises are small, the overall logistics planning is not ideal . Currently, small -scale logistics enterprises in China , logistics management and scattered, fragmented logistics sector are quite serious , self-contained each department , the lack of overall logistics planning, logistics companies plus a single operating mode most comprehensive logistics companies rarely make cargo storage, cargo transport, goods distribution increase ineffective operating procedures , reduce logistics costs and rising logistics speed , resulting in a waste of the logistics chain , management costs increase, resulting in a variety of logistics functions , elements not effective convergence and coordination between development .

4 degree of specialization logistics development is not high. Current transport , the level of modernization of China's logistics and warehousing is not high , development and construction of logistics centers and distribution centers as well as container transport is still relatively slow , logistics companies , " large" , "small " phenomenon is relatively common, production, supply , sales integration , low degree of specialization operation , a direct result of the efficiency of the operation of the logistics process is low, the cost is too high, making it difficult to provide comprehensive logistics services for joint ventures or foreign companies , it is difficult to make social logistics and business logistics integration.

5 Lack of logistics professionals . China's current education and training in the logistics personnel slower and less on the market to meet the requirements of logistics personnel , and the lower level , the lack of logistics professionals . Less due to lack of logistics education and training , can effectively provide an effective solution for enterprise -class logistics personnel, restricting the development of the logistics industry.

6 tolls, bridge tolls are too high. According to relevant data , 140,000 kilometers of toll roads all over the world , of which 100,000 km in China , accounting for 70 % of the world . For the logistics industry , the road toll directly accounted for one-third of the total cost of logistics enterprises , improvement of road toll will inevitably lead to increased logistics costs , thus affecting the development of logistics enterprises.

Third, on the question of understanding the logistics of several

1 . The need to reduce logistics costs and reduce logistics costs , logistics management is important to strengthen the content . Activation of the logistics cost is the sum of labor and labor materialized in logistics activities consumed , which is accompanied by the sum of all costs of logistics activities occurred . Logistics costs , also known as the "logistics costs" , which can reflect the economic status of the logistics business activities . Logistics management is an essential requirement seek practical results, that is the least consumption to achieve the best service to achieve the best economic benefits, active and effective logistics management is to reduce logistics costs and improve economic efficiency key logistics , good logistics management , you can achieve a reasonable transportation , the intermediate material handling , reduced storage costs , reduce losses ; various departments can coordinate logistics, as well as all aspects of the relationship between workers , thereby increasing the economic benefits of logistics activities . Reduce logistics costs, can reflect the effectiveness of logistics management , but also directly affect the company's position in the competition .

Reduce logistics costs are a third source of profit . Sales increase sales profits obtained as the first profit ; production sector to reduce production costs of the acquired profit for the second profit ; logistics sector to reduce logistics costs to get called third profit margins . Currently, the distribution industry market downturn , sales post rate, increasing the risk distribution , resulting in a lot of departments specializing in operating losses, from this phenomenon, specifically to fight the first profit margins become smaller. For manufacturers, the production costs , which companies made new demands , strengthen management, to prevent waste , reduce consumption, strengthening cost accounting, but these have certain limits. Because of logistics costs within the enterprise , the production costs often account for a large proportion , therefore , reduce logistics costs, to get a second profit is very critical, reasonable logistics can reduce logistics costs, but rationalization of logistics process for many businesses is still untapped fields. Therefore, by improving the logistics process can reduce logistics costs, enterprises can bring unexpected benefits.

Reduce logistics costs and boosting the competitiveness of enterprises, optimize resource allocation and improve the quality of economic operation , to achieve two fundamental nature of the changes in China 's economic structure and economic growth , and promote the sustained and healthy development of China's economy . Modern logistics industry will become a pillar industry of the national economy of the new century , it is not only constitutes a modern supply chain , value chain management and infrastructure support , and the production , circulation and consumption organically connected to accelerate the process of social reproduction , and the most rapid degrees, the best time to complete the optimal combination of goods from the production areas to consumers in the field of the transfer process , maximize cost savings in circulation .

(2) factors that affect the cost of logistics rationalization of logistics : logistics rationalization is to make logistics equipment configuration and rationalize all logistics activities , specific performance at the lowest possible cost of logistics , obtain the highest possible level of service. For an enterprise , logistics rationalization are the key factors affecting the logistics cost is directly related to the efficiency of enterprises , it is the pursuit of the overall goal of logistics management . Logistics rationalization contains many elements , not simply confined to the rationalization of transport, storage, handling, transport , packaging , distribution processing and information processing and other logistics elements . Logistics equipment and should be seen as a system of logistics activities , with each element in the midst of the logistics system , played their function and role. For example, sometimes improve transport frequency , increased transportation costs , warehousing costs decreased contrast , the total logistics cost is also reduced , which served its purpose. Thus, the rationalization of logistics to the actual logistics processes to design, plan , not simply to emphasize certain aspects of rational , effective, cost savings, put logistics rationalization as to optimize the entire logistics system , optimization of the composition , to lowest logistics cost.

Logistics Quality: quality management in the process of logistics , the logistics service quality is the goal of logistics enterprises , logistics service is a connotation of logistics costs. Logistics service quality directly affect the logistics enterprises to compete in the market. Strengthen the logistics quality management, is an effective way to reduce logistics costs, only continue to improve the quality of logistics , in order to continuously reduce and eliminate all kinds of accidents, reduce all unnecessary expenses ; only continue to improve the quality of logistics , in order to reduce the consumption of the logistics process , logistics enterprises increase profitability ; only continue to improve the quality of logistics , maintain a good reputation in order to attract more customers , the formation of large-scale intensive farming , improve logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs radically. Under normal circumstances, improve service quality, logistics costs will increase, reducing the quality of logistics services, logistics costs will be reduced accordingly . Thus, there is a contradictory relationship to reduce logistics costs and improve the quality of services between logistics . Therefore , in determining the logistics service quality , customer satisfaction to to get the premise of taking into account the reasonable cost of logistics , so that the interests of both to achieve harmonization.

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