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Fujian seven logistics department to correct the arbitrary charges
Release date:2014-05-23 11:46

Recently, the three-month corrective logistics arbitrary charges and the "three arbitrary " special governance issues in full swing , Fujian Province, management actions will continue until October .

Governance action led by the Fujian Provincial Department of Transportation , the Fujian Provincial Government Council Office , Provincial Price Bureau , the Provincial Department of Finance , Provincial Economic and Trade Commission , the provincial Trade and Industry Bureau and the Provincial Public Security Bureau as a member of the unit , consisting of Fujian Province, to correct the logistics field and road three arbitrary charges random questions specific work leading group , to develop governance programs , clear governance responsibilities . Management of toll roads special inspection will be carried out , according to a comprehensive clean- road extended charges, tolls and other irregularities and the high standard of unreasonable charges ; increase road tolls and law enforcement supervision, resolutely ban illegal charges , and urge rectification violation charges and recover the proceeds ; and severely punish violations involving road vehicles involved in law enforcement , and firmly correct punishment escrow only penalty is not correct problems ; broaden the channels for reporting complaints and actively respond to social concerns ; strengthen supervision of normalization , and resolutely investigate and correct the wholesale markets, farmers markets and other agricultural products market arbitrary charges ; establish long-term mechanism to effectively regulate and reduce the wholesale markets, farmers markets, community markets and other agricultural markets charges

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Service Hotline :400 -6375-221 Mobile: 13828790958

Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802 Contact: Ms. or Mr. Jiang Yao


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