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The city's efforts to manage the logistics field and road overcharged Water "three chaos"
Release date:2014-05-23 11:43

June 15, the city's governance and highway logistics overcharged Water "three arbitrary" working meeting was held at City Vice Mayor Xuchao Wen attended the meeting.

In 2011, the city's water governance highway "three arbitrary" work by strengthening organizational leadership, focus the work, to promote source control and other measures to further increase the remediation and investigation efforts to consolidate the management of water highway "three arbitrary" Work outcomes, to better protect the city's water highway traffic flow. This year, the city will do a good job correcting logistics arbitrary charges, governance overloading transport, forestry standardize administrative law enforcement, regulate the traffic police on duty law enforcement, education and training of law enforcement officers, supervisors focus on team building six working prominence arbitrary charges and road logistics Water "three chaos" of governance.

At the meeting, Xuchao Wen pointed out that water governance highway "three arbitrary" and logistics arbitrary charges related to the work of the party and the government's image, related to the vital interests of the people, the environment related to the city's economic and social development. Departments at all levels should further strengthen the organization and leadership, continue to adhere to the government concentrating adhere department responsible for the rectification of coordination work pattern, establish a sound system of governance of leadership; strengthen research, discovery of new problems and new situations to take practical feasible measures to solve them, the establishment of long-term mechanism to strengthen governance outcomes. To further enhance the punishment to strive to cure "chaos", increase unannounced visits, strengthen democratic appraisal; source control efforts to strengthen the effective containment "chaos" to strengthen the education and training of law enforcement personnel, the establishment of law enforcement behavior. 


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