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This year the Ministry of Transport will transport links overcharged depth governance
Release date:2014-05-23 11:41

Rectification work in the country recently conducted a teleconference on the Vice Minister of Transport Feng Zhenglin statement said, in 2012, the Ministry of Transport will further govern transport links arbitrary charges, toll roads do a better job cleaning up and clean-up work related to road transport charges, ultra-long-term mechanism to establish and improve governance, rule over law enforcement norms.
The following is a Feng Zhenglin speak Record:
In recent years, according to the State Council on the revitalization of the strategic development of the logistics industry, I work closely with relevant departments to further implementation of the Ministry of refined oil tax reform; strict implementation of fresh produce transport "green channel" policy, in 2011 the country has more than 130 toll free yuan; gradual and orderly government canceled secondary roads repayment fees, cancellation toll road mileage of 107,000 km; since June 2011, in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Supervision, the State Council Office for Rectifying concentrated in the country conduct special clean-up toll roads, has been revoked and adjusted the 328 toll stations, reducing the fees 182 toll road projects, stop toll road mileage 3706 km. At the same time, actively regulate and strengthen highways, waterways civilized law enforcement, and constantly increase the intensity of arbitrary charges, fines and other acts, efforts to reduce the cost of logistics and access. However, China is in the accelerated development stage of industrialization, GDP showed strong production constitutes characteristics, unbalanced industrial structure, resulting in the logistics field of transport links, there is an integrated transport system is still not perfect, roads level of development of transport needs to be improved, some of the toll road site settings are not standardized, the period of non-compliance fees, charges high, operating road services regulation in place, some places heavy fines and personnel, light corrected to fine host, rude enforcement and fines have occurred.
According to the State Department to deploy on arbitrary charges to rectify the field of logistics and the spirit of the meeting, the next step, we will continue to deepen reform with the relevant departments to strengthen the comprehensive management, focus on three aspects.
First, do a better job cleaning up the toll road. First, according to the State Council's work plan, the Department in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Supervision, the State Council Office for Rectifying joint research to develop a specific opinion, focus on promoting the special clean-up toll roads supervision, inspection and acceptance of the work, and will this year May, led by the five departments responsible comrades of the key areas and key project supervision and inspection to ensure that all kinds of illegal and unreasonable charges completely resolved. Second, in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance, for policy support and guidance in the western region to speed up the cancellation of the government secondary roads repayment charges, and strive to complete the "five-second" period; while research Cancel highway and secondary roads operating charges feasibility, timing and safeguards. Third, do five ministries jointly issued a document has been prohibited in the name of structural adjustment, asset restructuring, favorable financing, free to change the government loan highway property, illegal government loan highway into the operating highways, while enjoin violations have been transferred or plan regional transfer rectification as soon as possible to ensure the timely return of government loan highway property. Fourth, accelerate the revised "toll road regulations," before the end of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office to review the revised draft also study the development of toll road information public way, the price formation mechanism, rules and regulations. Five major holidays are seriously Turnpike toll free related issues, according to the procedure as soon as possible after approval. Sixth, continue to promote electronic toll highway network (ETC), the National Highway strive average coverage "Twelve Five" period reached 60%, and built more than 6,000 lanes, the use of more than 5 million users. Seven is the strict implementation of fresh produce transport "green channel" policy to guide the country to improve the efficiency of monitoring to ensure the speedy passage of fresh produce transport vehicles.
Second, carry out the clean-up work involving road transport charges. With the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance and other departments, urging the country to guide the various fees involved in road transport project to conduct a comprehensive clean-up, lower the standard of high administrative fees. 2012 should focus on cleaning up ports, shipping companies, shipping agents, freight forwarders, road freight station, cargo stowage business service centers and other unreasonable fees and strengthen the road transport industry involving various types of administrative and business services fees supervision and inspection, seriously deal with illegal collection of fees.
Third, establish and improve governance over long-term mechanism, standardized rule over law enforcement. Adhere to government-led sector linkage and regional linkage, continue to increase according to specifications rule over law enforcement. 2012 to the total weight of goods vehicles over 55 tons of illegal overloading of transport vehicles, focusing firmly grasp the source of regulation, enforcement pavement, Area linkage three key aspects of governance, to further intensify its efforts to resolutely curb illegal overloading of transport behavior. At the same time, strengthen the standardization of road gauge stations, strengthen law enforcement ranks Highways, accelerate research to develop "the Highway Code of Conduct and civilized law enforcement," revised "overloaded vehicles traveling the road regulations", for release before the end of the implementation. Strengthen the administrative licensing, administrative penalties, administrative enforcement and other acts of supervision and inspection, the full implementation of the "penalty payment separation" resolutely correct "only penalty is not correct", "penalty on behalf of dumping" and issue fines and two years in the organization thorough investigation, sampling some provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) road construction and road stations overrun enforcement norms situation. 


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