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Anderson MRT Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Ltd.

Service Hotline :400 -6375-221

Mobile: 13828790958

Contact: Ms. or Mr. Jiang Yao


Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802

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Provided to Yantian and Shekou Port Pearl domestic trailer transport services
Release date:2014-05-23 10:56

Anderson MRT Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Ltd.
Tel 0755 -82227307- turn Fax 0755 8005 ext ext -82227034-8009
Company Address : Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802, East Gate Road business QQ: 4006375221
Quote Sheet
Unit : RMB
Loading ground clearance transit transit clearance of loading
Baoan / Xixiang Zhangmutou 900 1200 1300
Fukunaga / Huang Jiang manhole 950 1200 1300
Songgang 950 Long / Chang Ping 12001300
Shiyan 850 LiaoBu / Dasan 12001300
Komeito 900 bridge / QISHI 12001350
Phuket / Longhua Huidong 800 1500 1600
Pinghu 850 yellow port / Kuala 16001700
Boro Shiwan Mission 850 1500 1600
Nanhai Henggang 800 2200 2300
Longgang / Kengzi / Pingshan 850 Guangzhou 18,501,950
Chang / Daling Shan Huadu 19,502,100 12,001,350
Humen / Houjie / ST Panyu 19,002,050 13,001,400
Shijie / Shilong Shunde 22,002,300 13,001,450
Fong Kong / Yantian Zhongshan 23,002,400 9,001,100
Tangxia / stream 10,001,150
1 above is not invoiced Yantian container freight . Turn off cabinet with transit fees excluding Hong Kong construction costs and security costs, and free of charge to local customs field .
2 receive 80% back to normal air freight , shipping company Container handling fee and ticket counters lease fee .
3 press night fee of 500 yuan / night charges.
4 places each cabinet provides additional cabinets ranging from RMB100 million -200 million ( depending on the location set to make cabinets ) .
5 in the early feeding mention Yantian container cabinet -day feeding costs 200 yuan / counters , cabinets within three days of Shekou mention feeding costs 350 yuan / day, after more than closing storage costs 20 yuan / day.
6 cargo weight over eighteen tons of freight will be charged according to the actual situation.

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Service Hotline :400 -6375-221 Mobile: 13828790958

Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802 Contact: Ms. or Mr. Jiang Yao


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