Shengda adhere to the "integrity first, service first" business philosophy, dedicated to providing you with the most convenient, the most convenient...

Anderson MRT Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Ltd.

Service Hotline :400 -6375-221

Mobile: 13828790958

Contact: Ms. or Mr. Jiang Yao


Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802

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Release date:2014-05-23 10:46

Anderson MRT Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Ltd.
Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802 .
Phone 0755 -82227307-8004 fax 0755-82227034-8008
Miss Yao 13828790958 E-mail : ANTA.DOC @ 163.COM
Enterprise QQ: 4006375221 Website : WWW.ANTAEXPRESS.CN

Thanks to us, the relevant quotes below , if you have any questions please call !
First, the declaration charges :
1 , Yantian export customs agents fee RMB250 / counters ; If the same ship from the second multi- cabinet cabinet received RMB100, third and so on and so forth cabinet

2 , Shekou export customs agents fee RMB250 / counters ; If the same ship from the second multi- cabinet cabinet received RMB100, third and so on and so forth cabinet

Charged Yantian / Shekou Port generates - ( generated accountable ); RMB50/20 ', RMB70/40' HQ: 3, Quick Scan fee

4 , the terminal building costs : RMB100/20 'RMB150/40' / 40'HQ --- Yantian / Shekou port charge

5 , Huanggang export customs agents fee : RMB250 / Cabinet , if continuation sheet , continued on page fee RMB50 subject .

6 , Man Kam To export customs agents fee : RMB250 / Cabinet , if continuation sheet , continued on page fee RMB50 subject .

7 , Hong Kong's export customs clearance agent fee : RMB200 / counters

8 , the Hong Kong import customs clearance agent fee : RMB300 / counters

9 , agent import license (LINCENS): RMB300 / parts

10 , pay fee : RMB400 / counters

11 document fee : RMB300 / parts ---- charges into supervisory positions

January 1, 2014

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Service Hotline :400 -6375-221 Mobile: 13828790958

Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802 Contact: Ms. or Mr. Jiang Yao


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