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Anderson MRT Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Ltd.

Service Hotline :400 -6375-221

Mobile: 13828790958

Contact: Ms. or Mr. Jiang Yao


Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802

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About DDP meaning
Release date:2014-05-23 09:53

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Incoterms DDP - Delivered Duty Paid, namely " Delivered Duty Paid " means that the seller at a specified destination , for import customs clearance , delivery vehicles will be on the delivery of goods not unloaded and the buyer to complete the delivery. The seller must bear all risks and costs of the goods to the named destination , including when necessary customs formalities at destination should pay any fees and tariffs, including customs formalities responsibilities and risks, as well as to pay fees , customs duties , taxes , port fees and other expenses .

Anderson MRT Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Limited for buyers and sellers of small to launch tax package that DDP clearance to door transport operations against the United States , European Union, Southeast Asia and other countries , in order to meet more customers' needs, providing customers simply packing list and invoices , all departure port and destination port clearance procedures , we have all kinds of trade -sponsored documents , whether or FCL cargo transport , truly one-stop service , including customs clearance tax package package delivery to the door , as customers save a lot of time and effort and money.

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Service Hotline :400 -6375-221 Mobile: 13828790958

Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802 Contact: Ms. or Mr. Jiang Yao


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