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Anderson MRT Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Ltd.

Service Hotline :400 -6375-221

Mobile: 13828790958

Contact: Ms. or Mr. Jiang Yao


Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802

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Port of basic definitions
Release date:2014-05-23 09:51

Basic Port (Base Port)

Liner shipping companies generally refers to regular ports of call . Mostly located in the center of the larger ports, port facilities are better , cargo and more stable . The basic requirements for the port is no longer restricted shipments. Basic port cargo shipped in general are direct transport, without intermediate transshipment. But sometimes also because the volume is too small , the ship decided transhipment , arranged by the ship , bear transshipment costs. The basic freight rate charged by the freight to the port cargo , transshipment shall be subject to additional fees or surcharges direct and direct bill of lading should be issued .

Non- basic port (Non-Base Port)

Where a port other than the basic port are called non-essential ports . Except for basic non- basic port generally port charges , the need to charge additional transshipment surcharge. When the volume reaches a certain subject to direct surcharge. Hou routes such as New Guinea, Port Niamey wax (HONIARA), is the basic port Solomon Islands ; while Kieta Harbour (KIETA), the non- basic port . Kieta port cargo destined to increase freight rates on the basis of Hou Niamey wax transshipment freight rates on an additional fee of $ 43.00 (USD) / FT.

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Service Hotline :400 -6375-221 Mobile: 13828790958

Address: East Gate Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Jinlong Building, Room 802 Contact: Ms. or Mr. Jiang Yao


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